Moving forward, I used the commonly advised 5200 correction routine involving the multiple holding and releasing of the start and stop buttons which did NOT work for me, though it has worked for many people apparently. Obviously Canon would prefer you buy original cartridges each time at more than double the price. However, some off- brands, like Jarbo purchased through Amazon, do read out on the sensors, making life easier. If you don't use official Canon cartridges, SOME off-brands cannont be read by the sensors and will not show when the black ink has been refilled and you have to press the stop button to overide the "out of ink" message you'll get on screen. It works fine with an empty color cartridge in the machine to hold it's place. Just go to the maintenance section under printers and faxes and reset your printer to print off the black cartridge only, disabling the color cartridge.

Long ago I realized I could get along without using the color cartridges and buy black ink only since I'm doing mostly file copies, Groupons, etc. I've been using my Canon Pixma MX320 for probably 7 years now without a problem or ever seeing this 5200 error message, but it appeared tonight for the first time.